Reorganizing My Plate

I love the fact that God has called me to be in full-time vocational ministry. I love my job. I love my students. I was thrilled to see that they had "decorated" my house with toilet paper and forks while I was gone to Texas for a week. For the first time in my life I actually look forward to going to work. I love doing it so much that I have had a hard time keeping from being two busy. I have come to realize that I have bitten off a lot more than what God has wanted me to bite off.

This realization first came to the forefront of my mind during a conversation with Mark Lydecker of the North American Mission Board. He basically said that he focuses on about 5 keys things/areas and the rest of it will just have to wait or get done by someone else. From this conversation and others I have concluded that I have a lot more than 5 things on my plate and that I am in serious need to getting rid of those things that are keeping me from being able to focus on what matters most.

Over the next 2 weeks I will be prayerfully considering two major items. First, what are the five basic areas of my life that I need to concentrate on. Second, what 5 areas of student ministry do I need to focus on. Once, I have a clear understanding of these two items I will begin the pruning process. It is my hope that others will begin to step up and continue with those ministries that I will no longer be able to place energy into. As this process begins to unfold more and more I will post updates and keep you informed.

I would also like to challenge you take a long hard look at your own life and ministry. Are there areas that you need to prune? If so why haven't you done it?