Happy Happy Happy

A lot has been said in recent months and years about the direction and state of the Southern Baptist Convention. While I do not know of everything that has been going on, I do know enough to become frustrated and annoyed. This being said I have a couple of comments on all of these matters.

First, I believe that all parties involved and true born again believers and as such are a part of family. I love them and God loves. With that I believe that for the most part all parties desire to do and live God's will. The believe they are doing what is best for them, their church and their denomination.

Second, God is bigger than all of this! As Bob the Tomato and Junior Asparagus once said "God is bigger that the Boogie Man and He is watching out for you and me!"

So what does all of this have to do with my post title (Happy Happy Happy). Well, I am happy! Despite the fact that so many negative things are going on around me, God is lifting up my emotions and guard my heart. He is beginning to open doors in my ministry beyond anything I could have imagined. I know the coming year holds its share of trials yet I also know it will hold its share joys and triumphs. I look forward to what God has in store for myself, my family, my church and my friends.

Now that I have told you a little bit about is going on in my world. What about yours? What is God doing in your life?