Silence in Heaven

Can you imagine what it must have been like for John (Revelation 8) to be in the presence of God, the Angels and all of the hosts of Heaven and there be absolute silence. I know for me I have always heard that there is always singing and praising to God in Heaven. This is mostly true. In fact, in Revelation 7 we see the great multitude giving praise and glory to God. Then at the opening of the Seventh Seal there was 30 minutes of silence. I am not exactly sure why there was such silence. I think though much of it had to do with the reality of the Seventh Seal. The reality of the intense suffering that was soon to occur on Earth struck all of Heaven at once. I cannot help but thing that in their hearts many of the Angels and other Heavenly Creatures felt a sense of sorrow for those still left on Earth.

In the end though I believe this silence teach us that we must take the time to be silent for God. If the hosts of Heaven were called (though in silence) to be silent then shouldn't we also be silent before Him. When we do this we must also allow the Holy Spirit to come and teach us things that we might no otherwise have been able to learn. My challenge to you and me is to take the time and be silent before God and see what He has to show us.