Life's Journey

When you were a child were did you want to go? Did you want to stay at home? Did you ever leave your home?

I know for me when I was a child dreamed of traveling the world. My dad was always telling me about his adventures in Western Europe in 1960's. I always believed he and I would get a chance to do that together. Sadly, we never did. He died before we had the opportunity. Ironically, I was given the opportunity to visit Germany less than 2 months after he died. This trip though was only a small part of the grand journey God has brought me on.

He has allowed me the priviledge of visiting Europe (3 times), Australia, the Bahamas, and many States. When I look back I am amazed at how much traveling I have done. Yet, I know my travels are not finished. God has many more places for me to go. Most recently, God has moved my family from Texas to Illinois.

It has truly been a grand adventure. There have been so many ups and downs. Yet, in the end I cannot help but look back and see how truly blessed I have been. And the best part of it all is that I still feel like it is just getting started. I look forward to the days and weeks to come because I know God has some wonderful things in store for me and my family. Yes, persecution will come. God's deliverance through the persecution will also come. Praise be to Him who is on high.