All that is required of us to become a child of God is to confess Jesus as Savior and Lord yet the measure of this faith is seen in our actions. Sadly many people today claim some form of Christianity but their actions speak to a faith in something else besides Christ. All too often we see this kind of thing appear in our churches and it can be one of the most destructive things for a church. It (hypocrisy) is such a powerful thing it is one of the main reasons why so many millennials have little or nothing to do with the church. It is also nothing new to the church. In fact Paul speaks rather plainly about in Titus 1 when he says that those say one thing but act another "unfit for doing anything good" (Titus 1:16).
Can you imagine what would happen if all of churches actually lived this out? Could you imagine what we would happen if we all took this seriously? Can you imagine what would happen in your life if you took that seriously?
I know I haven't always taken hypocrisy seriously enough in my own life. I do not always live up to the things I know to be true. When this has happened to me I know that it has damaged my witness with others and for that there is no comfort other than the immeasurable grace of God. Here's to hoping that I will be able to live my life with less hypocrisy and more authenticity.
Sermons on Youtube
9 years ago