As someone who is involved in the church planting movement here in Illinois I have often asked myself the question of why there are not more people jumping at the chance to do some thing nobody else is doing so you can reach someone nobody else is reaching. When I first pondered this question I thought of the usual answers about calling and giftedness. While these are important pieces to the church planting puzzle I am not sure they full explain the lack of new church plants.
I think too often people have used calling and giftedness as excuses for not trusting God. I think that if were to really hone in on many people's lives we would begin to see that it is their lack of complete trust in God that prevents them from being a part of new works. I think most of the people would realize that they should trust God but they do not really understand why they should trust God. So if you are one of those people here are some reasons why I think we should trust God. (Theses are in no particular order).
1.He created you and me. Genesis 2:7 specifically tells us that God took the time to literally form Adam from the dust of the earth. In the creative actions of Genesis 1 and 2 this is a unique action taken by God. In all of the other creative moments before Adam God simply spoke and things happened, however in the cases Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:21-22) God took extra special care to mold and shape them with His hands. This special attention continues to this day as evidenced by David's proclamation in Psalm 139:13 that God literally wove him together while he was in his mother's womb.
2.He gave you the breathe of life. Genesis 2:7 not only tells us how God formed Adam but that He also breathed into him the breathe of life. Most people read this as God simply putting air into Adam's lungs but I think there is more to it than that. I think that this is the moment in which God gave Adam a soul. God provided Adam with life on earth and the ability to have life eternal (through the soul). Today we have that same opportunity despite the fact that Adam and Eve brought death into the world. The New Testament shows us that Jesus literally gives life to those who are dead (Ephesians 2) because of sin.
3.He has always existed and He will always exist. Genesis 1 shows us that God created the heavens and the earth and therefore He existed before them. The book of Revelation shows us that He will always exist (ch.21-22 especially show this). God is not going anywhere.
4.When we call/cry out to Him He promises to answer us. So often I believe people simply pray to God because it is what we are supposed to do. Rarely do many of us pray with the expectation that God will not only hear us but that He will answer. Jeremiah 33:3 is God's promise to us that if we will call out to Him then He will answer and teach us great and mighty things.
Many of you as you have read this have thought of some other reasons to trust God. Please share your thoughts with us so that we all can move further along on our journey with God.
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9 years ago